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  • Morgagnian cataract: tips Dr Sourabh Patwardhan

Morgagnian cataract: tips Dr Sourabh Patwardhan

  • 29 May 2020
  • Dr. Sourabh Patwardhan
  • 413

The technique of phacoemulsification in morgagnian cataract is shown.
Staining for 10-15 seconds with trypan blue is very important. i used hyalucoat. after the nick with cystitome, there is egress of fluid. i aspirate little bit. in this case, microcapsulorrhexis forceps is useful because the shrunken nucleus does not provide necessary support. As the anterior capsule is redundant, it is important, that you pull the capsule tangentially and not centripetally. Because the zonules in these cases can be really weak, so not advisable to pull centrally. Best technique to handle morgagnian cataract is horizontal chopping as there is no epinucleus support. make sure that the hold on nucleus is good. Pull the nucleus up and not on the posterior capsule to avoid stress on zonules. Avoid going through and through the nucleus. I am using longitudnal phaco in this case for easier chop. sometimes the tip gets blocked in these cases. Try to keep the phaco tip as steady as possible.

Dr Sourabh D Patwardhan demonstrates live Ophthalmic. For phaco SICS training contact whatsapp +919404705777

Published By Dr. Sourabh Patwardhan


Director, Nandadeep eye hospital, Sangli,India.
He heads a very popular Phaco training and fellowship program.

patwardhan.sourabh@gmail.com Comments