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  • Intraoperative dialysis mangement: how to differentiate from peripheral posterior capsular rent

Intraoperative dialysis mangement: how to differentiate from peripheral posterior capsular rent

  • 31 May 2020
  • Dr. Sourabh Patwardhan
  • 576

In this video we discuss the management of intraoperative zonular dialysis and pointers to differentiate it from a case of PCR. Under good retroillumination, folds on posterior capsule are observed which can occur in both dialysis and PCR. To identify, put methyl cellulose or other dispersive viscoelastic. In ZD, the contour of bag is restored, but in PCR, the edge is everted and visco enters the vitreous cavity. If the CCC isnot displaced centrally , most likely the ZD is less than 4 clock hours. For this CTR is inserted. CTR Insertion- put the ring parallel to iris outside the eye and not too verticallly to avoid increasing the ZD or causing PCR. Prefer to put it from the side of non dialysed area.Keep the bag well inflated while inserting CTR. Push the CTR very slowly. For the last part, use 1.5mm sinskey to insert it in bag.

Published By Dr. Sourabh Patwardhan


Director, Nandadeep eye hospital, Sangli,India.
He heads a very popular Phaco training and fellowship program.

patwardhan.sourabh@gmail.com Comments