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  • Are all white cataracts intumescent: a simple test to check - Dr Sourabh Patwardhan

Are all white cataracts intumescent: a simple test to check - Dr Sourabh Patwardhan

  • 29 May 2020
  • Dr. Sourabh Patwardhan
  • 591

In this video, i discuss whether all white cataracts intumscent. do we need to take all precautions in all white cataracts. So, in a white catarct i use a high molecular weight viscoelastic like viscoat or hylaocoat. Then when i touch the anterior capsule with cystitome, If the anterior capsule flattens easily , it means that the intralenticular pressure is not that high. And we can go ahead like a normal CCC. Howewer, if the capsule does not flatten, we have to take all precautions for a intumscent cataract.
Dr Sourabh D Patwardhan.For phaco SICS training contact whatsapp +919404705777

Published By Dr. Sourabh Patwardhan


Director, Nandadeep eye hospital, Sangli,India.
He heads a very popular Phaco training and fellowship program.

patwardhan.sourabh@gmail.com Comments