
Video Competition " Show me The Complications" Last date 17th July

Total Views : 2278
Video Competition

Dear Colleagues, We are announcing a big surgical video competition. It is open to all.

Theme: Complications of anterior segment surgery

The last day of submission : 17th July 2020

The prizes are for Best video for following categories

1) Best of the Best Film

2) Best Innovative Film

3) Best Film of a resident/Fellow surgeon

4) Best Film for Most unusual complication

5) Best educational Film

The winners will receive Rs. 15000 worth gift voucher for surgical instruments.

The Best of the Best film will receive Gift voucher of Rs. 30000.

The competition is sponsored by Novartis Educational Grant and Cardiocare equipment.

Format: Minimum resolution 720p Duration : 5 minutes including start, credits and disclaimer. The video should be voiced over.

Declaration of conflict of interest is must.

Language: English

The file sent should be named as " Name-surname-Country-title" Any affiliation or title you want to declare should be included in message. If you want your video to be considered under resident/fellow category, please attach a letter of Head of Department or any letter identifying you as resident or fellow under training. One Chief author can submit only one video in his name and can be co-author in maximum 1 other video. The prize will be given only to the Chief author of the video.

Selection criteria:

1) Educational value and clinical application

2) Originality

3) Video Quality ( Audio,editing,graphics,clarity)

4) Scientific basis If you would like to submit a video (you can be anonymous if you wish),

please use, google drive, or any other sharing platform and put,, as the recipient.

Please Note: The winners will be declared later. The date will be announced soon. The winners will be announced and will present videos in a live webinar. Along with 5 winners, 5 good videos will be presented during the webinar. All submitted videos will be added to website as guest videos with due credits for the later viewing by the visitors. All authors should save a copy of submitted video with you as does not take any responsibility of saving and retrieving any video for the authors.

For more info visit here

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