
Basics for Beginners: Dr Sourabh D Patwardhan

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Basics for Beginners: Dr Sourabh D Patwardhan

Dear Young surgeons,

You are in the early days of your surgical training. Well, every successful surgeon has been through these early days excitement, fear, anxiety, despair, jubilation,discoveries and lots  and lots of enlightening moments.
One of the most essential component to going through this period successfully, is to have a great Mentor to be with you. Some of us might be lucky to have one besides you. Do treasure those moments. Do observe your mentors closely and ask questions. You will learn so many things that will help you in your career. With the technology the world has come closer. You can interact and observe so many great surgeons around. This platform will give you unique opportunities.
You can comment on videos, ask questions and contact us anytime. We are here to interact and share our experiences. 
Also feel free to share your surgical videos, we will ponder over the intricacies of it together to get more insights into your learning.
Lets start the journey.
For any suggestions and queries, do write to us 

We have chief Mentors Dr Sourabh D Patwardhan and Dr Deepak Megur who have created lot of great teaching videos on Basics of Phaco and everything.

For more info visit here

Training videos

Phaco Training Videos
We are here to share our surgical experience and to provide you those little tips and tricks which would enhance your surgical skills and make you a better surgeon View More